Shorty Bull Standard

As written by the founders at the Bull Breed Coalition (BBC)

Recognized by the AMA in 2016

Height: 15″ and Under. 

Over 15″ at withers is disqualification from the show ring.

Weight: Approximately 40 pounds. Over 40 pounds is allowed but should be proportionate to height.

Obesity is a fault.

Head:  Round head with typical bulldog features. Eyes should be set far apart and not protrude.  Nose should turn up slightly and may be black or liver colored.

Dudley noses are a cosmetic fault.

Bite:  All dogs must be undershot but not to an extreme degree as to show lower canines when mouth is closed.

Eyes:  Brown is preferred although eyes may be any color.  Eyes should have an oval shape and not protrude from the skull.

Ears: Cropped close to head. Dogs with uncropped ears should never be allowed in the show ring unless showing in European countries.

Body: Body should be short from withers to tail.  Chest should be broad for height and have a depth reaching the elbow.  A compact look is desired, width of front and hind quarters should be proportionate, not lending to a narrow rear. The chest may be broader than the rear, but narrow hindquarters are a fault.

Shoulders and Rump: Well-rounded and well-muscled.  Lending to the appearance of strength.  A slight rise over the loins is allowed, but not preferred and should never be to an extreme degree.

Legs: Heavy boned and in direct proportion to the body. 

Long legs in proportion to the body or fine bones are a serious fault.  Cow hocks and pigeon toes are a fault.

Feet: Tight feet and straight pasterns are desired.  Splayed feet and weak pastern’s are a fault.

Tail: Tail must be short, either docked or screwed. 

 No long tails permitted in the show ring.

Color: All coat colors are acceptable with the exception of black and tan and merle.

Temperament:  Good natured and even tempered. Shorty Bulls should never be aggressive to humans.

Extreme shyness or undue aggression is a fault. 

Shorty Bull

est. 2015