An established club or association that desires to host/sponsor an ABA/AMA sanctioned conformation
show must complete application to the ABA/AMA. Once approved a banner with dates, location, events
and other relevant particulars will be submitted for publication on the American Bulldog Association and
American Molosser Association website.

The show host is responsible for any purchase of ribbons or awards to the placements of dogs. Awards
can be paper placements, ribbons or trophies. All class placements up to 3rd place must be awarded.

Each dog shall be assigned an entry number, and the host club must provide armbands or labels.

Judge and ABA/AMA Representative fees (air fare, gas, rental car, food, hotel stay, etc.) are the
responsibility of the show host. Host is to hire judge(s) upon their requested fee. This fee is to be
documented and not changed after agreement. Host will pay judges and or representatives fees day of
show and no later.

The show host must agree to have an ABA/AMA Representative at the sanctioned show if the ABA/AMA
deems necessary. All First time show hosts are required to have a Representative in attendance for their
show and have a club member to apprentice and shadow to learn show registration, ring procedures
and recording event results.

The office needs a completed/signed ABA/AMA show host application one month prior to event date
and a copy of event insurance 1 week prior to show date.

A show license and show report form will be emailed to the sponsoring club or association prior to the
show date, which must be returned, completed and signed by the show judge within one week after the

Judges for ABA/AMA events need to be approved by the ABA/AMA in order to Judge a sanctioned show.

Apprentice judges must be approved by the ABA. Applicants will apprentice under three experienced
judges, have had shown or produced two champions, and pass a written test to obtain their licenses.
Persons sponsored to apprentice for their judges license should have a commitment to and an active
background with the breeds, and be a respected member of the bulldog community. Judges can be
grandfathered in if they are judges with other recognized registries and approved by the ABA committee.

1. No dogs to be staked out. All dogs will be crated while not being shown or exercised.

2. No dogs to be crated or walked near the show ring, minimum distance to be determined by club


3. Dogs may not be entered which are owned or bred by the judge or the judge's immediate family.

4. If for any reason the assigned judge is unable to officiate, the club officers will select a competent

replacement judge. Rule #3 is applicable.

5. The judge's placement at the end of each class is final.

6. A handler may talk to the judge concerning his dog's placement at the end of the class or at the end of

the show, at the judge's discretion.

7. The judge may excuse any dog and handler if he or she feels the dog in not under control or exhibits

any vicious propensities.

8. The choice of judges lies entirely with the officers of the hosting club.

9. All dogs entered must be ABA/AMA registered and show proof when registering. Absolutely no


10. No muzzles.

11. Dogs must be shown on a 4 foot (or less) leash.

12. Collars may be a flat, choke, fur-saver or Pinch type.

13. Each exhibitor must wear an armband or label with the number visible to the judge when in the ring.

14. The ring announcer when calling a dog to the ring or otherwise referring to a entered dog within

hearing of the judge shall use the dogs entry number only. The dog, owner, handler or breeders’ name may

not be announced to the spectators or to the judge.

15. Baiting in the ring will be at judges discretion. If bait is not allowed, the exhibitor may not take any

type of food, squeakers or toys in the ring. Bait must never be thrown or litter the ring.

16. If an exhibitor is making excessive noise or distraction in the ring they will be given a warning if done

again the exhibitor will be excused.

17. No “double handling,” which is defined by the owner or one of the owners or someone the dog knows

or agent of the owner distracting or making noise to draw the dogs attention or the dog’s competition’s

attention from outside the ring. Dogs will be dismissed for double handling.

Rules Governing ABA Shows

Order of Classes

3 to 6 month, 6 to 9 month, and 9 to 12 month puppy classes and best of sex puppy classes will be shown
first. The male adult classes will be held next culminating with Best Male in Show. TheFemale adult
classes are then shown culminating with Best Female in Show, after which the Best Male competes with
the Best Female for Best in Show.

To ease the load on the assigned judges, the 3 to 6 month, 6 to 9 month, and the 9 to 12 month classes
and the Best Male Puppy and the Best Female Puppy may be judged by a third ABA licensed judge if one is

The adult classes through best of sex and best in show of either type will be judged by onejudge through
Best in Show with the exception of a medical emergency, in which case the sponsoring club’s officers shall
assign an alternate ABA licensed judge. If an ABA licensed judge is not availablethe sponsoring club’s
officers will choose a qualified emergency judge.

Point Breakdowns

Age Group:  1st place 10pts.
                    2nd Place 8pts.
                    3rd Place 5pts.
Best of Sex: 10pts.
Best of Type: 10pts. (if Applys)
Best of Breed: 10pts.
Best in Show: 10pts.

*In order to earn the points at each division there must be competition. Competition is 2 or more dogs in
a division.

Examples: If a dog wins the 1-2 year old bully male class and is the only dog in the class then zero points
are awarded. If the same dog goes on to win best bully male against another bully male then the dog wins
10 points for best of sex.

Puppy Classes: 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, 9 to 12 months

1st place = 10 pts., 2nd place = 8 pts., 3rd place = 5 pts.

The 1st place winners of the puppy classes compete against each other for Best Male Puppy or Best
Female Puppy. The winners of each receive 10 additional points. The Best Male Puppy will compete
against the Best Female Puppy for Best Bully Puppy or Best Standard Puppy. The winner will receive 10
additional points. The Best Bully Puppy and Best Standard Puppy will compete against each other for Best
of Breed Puppy. The winner will receive 10 additional points. Best of Breed Puppy will move on to Best in
Show Puppy.

A Best Male Puppy or Best Female Puppy of Show win does not count as the major win requirement for
towards the Adult champion title.

Requirements for a JR. Champion:

A total of 75 points. No more than 75pts. will transfer towards Adult Champion Title.

Adult Classes: JUNIOR 1 to 2 years, ADULT 2 to 3 years, SENIOR 3 years and over

1st place = 10 pts., 2nd place = 8 pts., 3rd place = 5pts.

The 1st place winners of the adult classes compete with each other for Best Male or Best Female and each
receives an additional 10 points. The Best Male and Best Female then compete for Best Bully/Best Standard.
The winner receives 10 additional points. The Best Bully will then show against the Best Standard for Best of
Breed. The winner receives 10 additional points. Best of Breed Adult will move on to Best in Show Adult.

Requirements for a Champion-

A total of 150 points and two best of sex or higher wins against competition is required.

*Upon compiling 150 points which is to include two wins of Best of Sex or higher against competition from
sanctioned ABA conformation shows, the dog's owner can receive a ABA Championship Certificate with $10
payment by mail or Paypal. The dog will therefore be designated as a conformation champion in all official
records. The dog then becomes eligible to compete in the Champion of Champion class. A dog is not allowed
to show in the champion class on the weekend he finishes because the dog is not an official champion until
the report with the final win is received and recorded by the ABA.

Requirements for a Grand Champion-

A Champion class can be held in conjunction with each conformation show if 3 champions are entered to

compete. A Champion must accumulate three championship wins under three separate judges in order to be
awarded the title of Grand Champion.

Requirements for a Grand Champion Elite-

All Breeds that have a Grand Champion Title are Eligible to compete in Best in Show to earn Grand Champion

Elite. Five Best in Show wins under five separate judges in order to be awarded the title Grand Champion

A scheduled ABA/AMA show should not be delayed by a non-sanctioned event.

Promotion of non-ABA sanctioned clubs, associations, or registries (information booths, tables and/or
passing out literature) is prohibited at all ABA sanctioned events without written permission of the American
Bulldog Association.

est. 2015
